

This alliance project was created from a small chat for several Roblox wiki representatives as a way to connect independent Roblox wikis and their communities together through one central alliance. 

Why Independence? 

Popular companies such as Fandom are some of the most popular places to host wikis for games and communities. Such companies also provide a generally poor experience. 

As an administrator for a wiki, your goal is to make the best website for your community and or fans. But that goal clashes with the goal of the company running the wiki farm – to earn as much money off your site and content. Communities thus have no say over how their site is monetised.

Since its founding, wiki companies like Fandom has received millions of dollars from private investors, venture capitalists, private equity firms and companies. When companies invest, they only expect one thing - more profits back.

We however, believe a better world for wikis is possible, with independent wikis. Where the decisions can be made with the community in mind, and for the community. Our alliance seeks to unite, assist and help other wikis who are independent, in the process of moving, or wish to move. All our wikis have this freedom, and their sites reflects that.

We thus support fully independent wikis, or wiki farms/organisations like Miraheze, who are included as they are generally community-friendly hosts, and level off decent levels of control to the community. 

The IRWA Approach

Project Independence

One of our biggest goals is supporting wikis to achieve the freedom to govern themselves and make their own choices without the interference of external influences.

Supporting Projects 

Successful wikis need proper tools and backing. We help projects find the resources and support that they need to find their own style and succeed. 

Connecting Creators

We believe knowledge grows through connection. We are creating a network of like-minded wiki creators to exchange information and promote mutual assistance and collaboration.  


Official Enquiries & Press: [email protected]

General Enquiries & Joining: Please join our Discord Server and review instructions in the application channel. 

Security: Please view our security.txt file for more information.